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Credit With The Kiddos

What Is Credit With Kiddos?

Many of us weren't given the opportunity to learn the importance of credit and how it'll affect us in our aduldhood that could have potentially saved us from many mistakes we've made. In fact, many of us still don’t have the best knowledge in our adulthood to properly educate our kids on what to do and not to do when it comes to their credit health. Let's change that dynamic for our children! In this free Credit Literacy class, I’ll be going over ALL of the ends and outs about personal credit, how to read a credit report, the dos and donts to effect your credit score, hands on activities to ensure they're learning effortlessly and much more! Lunch will also be served. All your child will need to bring is themselves! Get excited! Because after this class, your child(ren) will be as seasoned as we are now when it comes to their credit! RSVP your child now, see you in class!

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